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Sensitive Tooth

Is eating ice cream or sipping a cup of hot coffee painful for you? Do you experience discomfort or pain when eating acids (tomatoes, citrus, pickles, etc.) or sweet foods and beverages? If the answer is “yes”, you may suffer from sensitive teeth.


Your teeth are made up of several layers, starting with enamel on the outside, which covers the dentin. The dentin contains tiny tubes that lead to the tooth’s nerve center and when it’s exposed, it creates a pathway directly to the nerve that responds quickly to stimuli – causing anything from mild discomfort to pain.


Possible causes of tooth sensitivity may be:


  • Tooth decay (cavities)

  • Fractured/cracked teeth

  • Receding gums

  • Worn fillings

  • Gum disease

  • Worn tooth enamel

  • Exposed tooth root

  • Using too much of a certain oral hygiene products, including some tooth whitening solution


If you have sensitive teeth, the most economical, easy-to-use treatment is a over-the-counter, desensitizing toothpaste. It’s formula to block sensation from the tooth surface to the nerve. You’ll probably begin to notice less sensitivity within a few days, with full results in a couple of weeks. Continue using it in place of your regular toothpaste to ensure complete relief.


If you don’t notice any improvement within a few weeks of using the toothpaste, or if you’re sensitive to heat, you need to schedule for an exam to find the cause. In-office options to address clinical problems that might cause sensitivity include a fluoride gel/varnish to strengthen tooth enamel and protect the dentin; a crown, inlay or bonding; a surgical gum graft; or a root canal.


Other ways to protect sensitivity teeth:


  • Use a soft bristle toothbrush, brush gently and be extra careful when brushing along the gum line

  • Limit the amount of acidic foods and drinks you consume since the acid can further wear away tooth enamel

  • Add a fluoride mouth rinse to your oral care routine

  • Ask us to fit you for a mouthguard if you grind or clench your teeth at night to decrease wear on enamel

  • Come in for preventive care, including topical fluoride treatments, every 6 months or as directed


Working together, we will find the right solution to eliminate sensitivity and you’ll be able to enjoy many of your favorite food and drinks again.



Please contact our office at (832) 663-9024 or to discuss ways to put an end to this problem, or to ask us any questions about how to keep your gums and teeth healthy. As always, we appreciate you choosing Spring Premier Dental as your dental care provider.


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